The Bible states that all land animals according to their basic kinds were created on the very same day as humans. This would imply that dinosaurs walked with man. But mainstream science states that this is an impossibility because dinosaurs were not recorded by man, nor are they found with man in the fossil record.
If ancient man did not record dinosaurs, the question should be asked what did ancient man record. The flood was recorded by every single culture, great or small, with a written language. Dinosaurs, however, were in fact recorded by ancient man. The Bible itself provides proof that dinosaurs walked with man. The book of Job records two dinosaurs: the behemoth in chapter 40 and the leviathan in chapter 41. But the Bible is not alone. Sauropods (the long neck, long tail kind of dinosaur) are found on artifacts all over the Middle East and even on the walls of Babylon. In Acumbaro, Mexico, 33,000 ceramic and jade figurines of dinosaurs were discovered. Sauropods are also found on artifacts all over in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Taiwan. 11,000 Inca stones were discovered in Peru, of which 500 contained pictures of dinosaurs. A Buddhist temple in Angkor, Cambodia, has a carving of a stegosaurus. Josephus and Herodotus both recorded the presences of what some experts have speculated are pterodactyls in the Arabian Desert. This seems to correspond well with the western United States deserts where Native Americas recorded stories of the thunderbird.ámbaro_figures
Should it then stand to reason that if dinosaurs lived with man, they should be found together in the fossil record? First, they have only found about 2,000 complete dinosaur skeletons and fossils from only 6,000 early humans. So the odds of any of these fossils being found together over the earth’s surface of 200 million square miles are extremely low without even taking depth into account.
Human fossils are also not found with many other animals alive today, such as the chicken. This is because the fossil record is not a record of what animals lived when, but a record of animals that were buried in the global flood. According to the Institute for Creation Research,
“the notion that the earth's crust has on "onion skin" structure with successive layers containing all strata systems distributed on a global scale is not according to the facts. Data from continents and ocean basins show that the ten systems are poorly represented on a global scale: approximately 77% of the earth's surface area on land and under the sea has seven or more (70% or more) of the strata systems missing beneath; 94% of the earth's surface has three or more systems missing beneath; and an estimated 99.6% has at least one missing system. Only a few locations on earth (about 0.4% of its area) have been described with the succession of the ten systems beneath (west Nepal, west Bolivia, and central Poland). Even where the ten systems may be present, geologists recognize individual systems to be incomplete. The entire geologic column, composed of complete strata systems, exists only in the diagrams drawn by geologists.”
Evolutionists refer to the worldwide gaps in the geological column as the great unconformity. In fact, the geological column was originally constructed by Adam Sedgwich in 1835 as evidence for Noah’s flood.
Mainstream science claims that bones take millions of years to fossilize. The only evidence given to support this claim is that no one has ever observed bone turn to fossil in nature. However, bones have been observed to fossilize very quickly in labs under extreme heat and pressure. Conditions of extreme heat and pressure would both be present in the event of a global flood. Other objects that are claimed to take millions or billions of years to form in nature but form very quickly in a lab with heat and pressure include diamonds, turquoise, quartz, emeralds, rubies, mica, sandstone, limestone, marble, petrified wood, coal, and oil. Also if fossils take millions of years to form, why do dinosaur fossils have soft tissue? Certainly soft tissue would rot long before it fossilized according to evolutionists, even the remains of blood that were found in a T-rex. A study was done on a number of dinosaurs at random to see how many had soft tissue. The results were all of them! Also, fossil raindrops would be impossible to form over millions of years.
Dinosaurs, however, could not have even survived millions of years ago. The Apatosaurus, a sauropod, had nostrils that were only the size of a horse’s nostrils. In fact, all sauropod lungs were too tiny to survive today. And some scientists have even suggested that dinosaurs went extinct due to dropping oxygen levels. This presents a major problem to the theory of evolution because it states that oxygen levels have evolved so that they are now at their highest point today – another example of how evolutionists defeat their own theory. Sauropod lungs could not have supported them in today’s levels of oxygen, much less millions of years ago, since according to evolutionists, we are at the highest oxygen levels today.
The answer evolutionists have come up with to this problem is that dinosaurs evolved into birds and therefore had bird lungs that were more efficient than reptile lungs. There are four problems with this answer. First, “birds from dinosaurs” theory claims that birds evolved from raptors not sauropods. Second, Archaeoraptor was held up as the missing link to prove this theory, and it has proven to be a forgery. Third, dinosaurs had a moving femur, which means, if they had birdlike lungs, their abdominal air sacs would have collapsed. Fourth, some evolutionists now admit that birds are found earlier in the fossil record than the dinosaurs from which they are supposed to have descended. Science Daily even states,
"Frankly, there's a lot of museum politics involved in this, a lot of careers committed to a particular point of view even if new scientific evidence raises questions," Ruben said. In some museum displays, he said, the birds-descended-from-dinosaurs evolutionary theory has been portrayed as a largely accepted fact, with an asterisk pointing out in small type that "some scientists disagree."
Not only did dinosaurs get huge, but basically all animal life forms have representations that were much larger in the fossil record. Many fish, sharks, whales, amphibians, reptiles, snakes, lizards, molluscs, kangaroos, and wallabies never stop growing. And scientists also state that bugs were bigger millions of years ago again because of higher oxygen levels. Amber readings also indicate oxygen levels were at one time 14% higher.
Another argument can be made that dinosaurs could not have lived millions of years ago because 800 species go extinct every day. 5 billion species are estimated to have ever lived. At 800 species a day, 5 billion species would have gone extinct and all life would have ceased to exist in just 18,000 years. It is also curious to note that besides the day-to-day extinction rates, evolutionists felt the need to add 28 major extinction events with 27 of them happening in just the last half billion, years or last 10% of earth’s life time. How has life survived so long?