If we do not believe the first thing the Bible says, why should we believe any of the rest? If creation and the global flood is dismissed on account of being supernatural, why not also the virgin birth, Christ’s resurrection, or any of His acts recorded inthe Gospels? It also causes us to reject the hundreds of times that the Bible references the creation account. In Exo 4 God says He created the mouth and eyes.
In Exo 20 God gave the week and the Sabbath as a witness to creation, and in Mat 19 and Mar 10 Jesus said man was created at the beginning. Acts 14, 17 states men are equal on account of creation. Acts 17 also states we are the offspring of God (as opposed to animals). According to 1 Cor 11 man is to be the head of the household on account of creation. The following link is an incomplete list of over 300 Bible references to the creation account:
A belief in billions of years minimizes the power of God shown in Genesis. It also forces us to believe that God did not create the world in perfection. It also requires us to believe that death was in the world before sin. If this is so, then Christ was needed to fix God’s mistake, not man’s sin. It also leads to a belief that God is not directly controlling everything that happens in the world and therefore not in control of our personal lives. The idea that rejects the global flood leads to rejection of the belief that God has the right, willingness, and justice to judge sin. He chose to use a global flood so that it would leave evidence as a witness thousands of years later. Also this is why Satan chose the rainbow for homosexuality. Perhaps millions of people can believe evolution without their faith being jeopardized, but it is also true for millions of people that evolution is the reason they cannot accept the Bible. Because the Bible so clearly contradicts mainstream science, it is considered to be a mythology. Also the idea that Bill Nye repeated throughout his debate with Ken Ham is true. Our progress as humanity is dependent on how accurate we understand theprocesses that caused the universe to be how it is now.
This is evident by the fact that 86.5% of all Nobel Prize winners are Christian (65.4%) or Jewish (21.1%). While 10.5% are atheist, agnostic, and freethinkers, most of their prizes are in literature, not science. This is true despite the Jewish people only making up 0.02% of the world’s population and Christians making
up just 30%.
Hand washing is a good example of how our progress is dependent on our understanding of origin science. The man who came up with hand washing (a biblical principle, Exo 30:17-21) caused the death rate of women in labor to drop from 30% to 1%. Because his idea went against mainstream science, he was reward by being placed in a mental institution and beaten to death.
Racism is rooted in evolution. Charles Darwin said in his book The Descent of Man:
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
In the United States, whites were considered the more evolved race while blacks were the less evolved. In Germany, Aryans were considered more evolved while Jews were considered less evolved.
Thus Slavery is rooted in evolution.
Sexism is rooted in evolution. Charles Darwin said his book The Descent of Man:
“The chief distinction in the intellectual powers of the two sexes is [shown] by man attaining to a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than woman can attain--whether requiring deep thought, reason or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands.” He added, “Thus man has ultimately become
superior to woman.” In 1881, women’s-rights activist Caroline Kennard wrote Darwin seeking clarification of his views on women. Darwin replied that “there seems to me to be a great difficulty from the laws of inheritance, (if I understand these laws rightly) in [women] becoming the intellectual equals of man.” According to the journal Scientific America, at a time when women were seeking the vote, Francis Galton, Darwin and other scientists hardened sexism into something that couldn’t even be challenged. Evolutionary psychology, a modern instantiation of Darwinian Theory, still provides justification for female nequality. Google engineer James Damore stated that females are under-represented at tech firms because they are less ambitious and more prone to “neuroticism” than males and “have a stronger interest in people rather than things.” These male/female differences are “exactly what we would predict from an evolutionary psychology perspective.” Evolutionary psychology states that females can only have one child every nine months, whereas men can impregnate an infinite number of women. Hence females are less promiscuous than males and more concerned with mates' "resources" than physical appearance. Females' sexual choosiness therefore is instinctual and innate.
Eugenics is rooted in evolution. Modern eugenics was started by Francis Galton. After reading Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, Francis Galton decided to apply his half cousin’s theory of natural selection to humans.
Abortion is rooted in evolution. Margaret Sanger was the mother of the modern birth control movement. She was a supporter of eugenics stating she sought to "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." By her open association with the KKK, it is easy to determine who she thought should be eliminated due to unfitness. In her book Pivot of Civilization, she wrote that the feeble-minded, mute, deaf, blind, epileptic, and poor were the “dead weight of
human waste.” In a letter she wrote, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Margaret Sanger’s magazine recommended the work of Lothrop Stoddard, who, just like Margaret Sanger, was a founder of Planned Parenthood. He promoted the use of birth control to reduce the numbers of blacks and Jews. The Nazi concept of race and subhuman came directly from his book Untermensch.
The opinion issued by the Supreme Court on Roe v Wade cited Glanville Williams to justify their decision. Glanville Williams was a member of the eugenics society. He promoted abortion, sterilization, euthanasia, and suicide. It also cited Christopher Tietze, another member of the eugenics society, who is best known for promoting abortion. He joined the Population Council, another eugenics organization, in 1967. It also cites Gordon Rattray Taylor, who was the author of The Biological Time Bomb, which was about the remaking of society by eugenics, and The Great Evolution Mystery, where he defends the theory of evolution.
Nazism is rooted in evolution. Adolf Hitler had praised and incorporated eugenic ideas in Mein Kampf in 1925 and emulated eugenic legislation for the sterilization of "defectives" that had been pioneered in the United States once he took power. The eugenics movement fell from favor as a result of the world seeing the horrors of Nazi eugenics.
Communism is rooted in evolution. Karl Marx cited Darwin in his most famous book Capital and wanted to dedicate the book to Charles Darwin. He stated that the origin of species was the foundation of the historical materialism viewpoint. Also he wrote that Darwin's work was most important and suited his purpose in that it provided a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle. Communists from the very beginning were attracted to Darwinism
because, as Engels remarked in a letter to Marx that it eliminated “teleology” from the story of life’s history. That is, it obviated the need for understanding life’s development as having been directed by a transcendent personal being outside nature, and it opened the way to understanding history as being directed by impersonal forces of the kind envisioned by Marx. Vladimir Linen kept a statue on his desk that read Darwin and depicted a monkey contemplating a human skull. Joseph Stalin wrote an ideological tract, Anarchism or Socialism?, speculating on Darwinian science and declaring, “Evolution prepares for revolution and creates the ground for it; revolution consummates the process of evolution and facilitates its further activity. The Soviet Union believed the theory of evolution, as it was taught back then, was convenient for a Soviet government trying to engineer the perfect social utopia. Under this system, they thought they could quickly force plants and animals, even the Soviet people, into forms that could serve practical
requirements. Any scientist that did not believe this theory was declared an enemy of the State and thrown into prison or executed under Stalin. The logic was that if people are able to inherit the acquired characteristics, it could be possible to create a better society. This led the leaders of the Soviet Union to hope that peasants could be turned into exceptional citizens.
Also in the United States, the crime rates and related social issues that plague the country today started in the 60’s when evolution replaced God and the Bible
in the public schools. Below is a graph for violent crime rates. The pattern is repeated for all major crimes: assault, murder, theft and rape. These rates
began to drop again due to the invention and spread of security technology.
Abortion rates also skyrocketed in the 60’s. They also declined in the 90’s due to decreased pregnancies due to increased use of contraceptives. That seems to mean the problem has gotten worse not better.
Between the 1960’s and now, the rate of children living with single mothers and the rate of unmarried parents both tripled.
Divorce rates skyrocketed while marriage rates plummeted. Again divorce rates began to drop in the 80’s but only because marriages decreased sodramatically. So again this is a sign of the problem getting worse not better.
Not only marriages but all relationships are breaking down.
Suicide rates are so great now that the average life expectancy has dropped 3 years as a result.
Alcohol use. Again we see a decline in the 90’s. Why? Drug use.
As has already been stated, Communism is an outgrowth of evolution. Thus, it should not be surprising that the fruit of introducing evolution in schools was more government and more government-control.
Pornography use boomed in the 1960’s and is still increasing.
On the other hand, the ideas of capitalism (Gal 6:7, 2 Cor 9:6, Job 4:8, Pro 22:8, Pro 11:18, Hos 10:12, Pro 1:31), separation of powers (Isa 33:22), election of representatives (Deut 1:13), freedom of speech (2 Sam 16:10), and right to bear arms (1 Sam 25:13, Exo 22:2, Luke 22:36, Neh 4:16-18, 1 Sam 13:19, 2 Kin11:4-16) were literally implemented due to a literal interpretation of the Bible. It has been said that God always says the most important thing first. We can see this with the creation week and how possibly everything we believe is based on the creation week. But is the theory of evolution false? This is a good starting answer. The theory of evolution contradicts 3 laws: Law of bio genesis = Life cannot come from non-life, Law of first thermodynamics = energy and therefore matter cannot be created or destroyed, and Law of second thermodynamics = everything is always moving from order to disorder. The theory of evolution says that the universe has disobeyed this last law not just one time, but everything has been moving to a state of more order constantly for 4.5 billion years on earth.